5 Compulsory Tech Accessories For Young Travelers
Saturday, 19 August 2017
Being comfortable on your business or leisure travel is essential even though it may not be 100%. A way to guarantee some degree of comfort is the use of tech accessories. The fact is forgetting these travel tech accessories can ruin your trip. So, these tech accessories are kind of compulsory, especially for young travelers.
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6 Interesting Ways Technology Has Transformed Travel
Saturday, 19 August 2017
In the past, travelling individually, with friends or family members is usually a logistical mess. It comes with a lot of challenges that discourage quite a number of people from travelling. Fast-forward to today and with the intensity technology has been embraced in the travel industry, Nigerians can now travel with little or no logistical
8 Sure Causes of Business Failure
Saturday, 19 August 2017
With the trending economic situation, many businesses have failed. Regardless, many of the causes of business failure can be prevented. T *Lack of experience* Lack of experience is one of the causes of business failure. If you are inexperienced or your management is made up of novices, then your business is likely to fail. When
- Published in Lifestyle
Five Signs That You Wear Too Much Makeup
Saturday, 19 August 2017
Makeup is awesome. But, a lady who is dependent on makeup is not difficult to identify. It may be that the foundation is too much or your cheeks are overly pink. Hence, most ladies tend to overdo makeup to look pretty and beautiful. Sometimes, ladies may not be aware of the fact that they are
- Published in Lifestyle
5 Unpacking Tricks That Will Keep Your Hotel Room Organised
Saturday, 19 August 2017
When you arrive at your destination, you may be too tired to unpack. You just want to freshen up and sleep. Meanwhile, your luggage and souvenirs are just laying around waiting to be unpacked. This will simply make your hotel room appear dishevelled and disorganised. If you do not want this to be the case,
5 Things To Never Axe From Your Budget
Saturday, 19 August 2017
A budget is important for you to check your spending and finances. So, in a bid to survive on your budget, you may want to throw out some things. However and at the same time, there are things that are too important to get rid of. Therefore, no matter what you earn, they must always
- Published in Lifestyle
5 Ways To Deal With Social Media Backlash
Saturday, 19 August 2017
You do not have to be a celebrity before tantrums are thrown at you on social media. Very few people care whether you are right or wrong, they just criticise. Before you know it, you are at the top of the trends on Twitter. Ironically, what you said may not be as a result of
- Published in Tech
7 Things You Should Never Do This Upcoming Eid
Saturday, 19 August 2017
The celebration of the end of the Holy month of Ramadan is drawing near. It is called Eid Al-Fitr. A day where all Muslims troop to the praying ground in different parts of the world including Nigeria to offer prayers. On this day, there are certain things you are not expected to do on the day
- Published in Lifestyle
4 Lifesaving Tips For Texting-Walking
Saturday, 19 August 2017
Many of us are guilty of walking and texting with our phone. This should not surprise anyone because we are now in the smartphone age. With its arrival, we are always distracted while driving and walking on the highway. In fact, in some countries, they have put up banners warning people about the dangers of
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